STEM Education

STEM is an interdisciplinary approach to teaching and learning that emphasizes design principles and real-world connections, wherein students are given authentic opportunities, using integrated technologies, to develop critical skills, knowledge, and practices that will help them thrive in postsecondary, workforce, and community environments.

With a cohesive approach to embed STEM across our K-12 curriculum here at ABS, we will continue to deliver with an interdisciplinary application to develop learners who are able to successfully work as part of a team, yet have the rigor and confidence to execute a task independently. Furthermore, STEM learning will nourish student's scientific literacy, ability to critically think, and thus develop a generation of future innovators. This means that students should expect to be challenged in their classes, find elements of science and mathematics in their English classes, make positive contributions in group projects, and much more. 

STEM Activities at ABS