Annual Events and Activities
A wide variety of annual activities are held on our campus each school year, creating fun and excitement on campus for our school community.
Annual Events
- Open House & New Student Orientation
- Curriculum Night
- International Day
- Afternoon of the Arts / 100 Days of School
- Arabic / Islamic Events
- National and Liberation Day Celebration
- ABS Charity Carnival
- Talent Show
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- ABS Book Fair
- Three for Me - Parent Volunteer
- Award Ceremonies
Open House & New Student Orientation
At the beginning of each school year, ABS welcomes both old and new Elementary and KG students for our annual Open House to meet their teachers, see their classes, and reconnect with old friends. As the doors opened, students are glad to see some familiar faces even though they know their summer is coming to a close.
The MSHS also participates in the “Opening Day” activities by holding New Student Orientation. With our student ambassadors, this “Welcome Back to ABS” is a great introduction for these students. Many of the new students are happy and well informed of what to do on the first day at ABS.
Virtual tour of the campus
Curriculum Night
This annual event is to help parents understand the curriculum here at ABS and also give them a chance to meet the teachers in each grade level. Curriculum “night” presents a great opportunity for parents to see and experience what their children go through daily and learn how to help their students improve their learning experience here at ABS.
It is a wonderful and great afternoon as teachers, administrators and parents get to know each other better, as well as learn from one another.
International Day
International Day is an annual event at American Baccalaureate School. During the month of November - ABS celebrates the wonderful diversity of our world and brings us together in friendship and unity. American Baccalaureate School and its families get to take a journey around the world as students perform song, dance, and plays on stage as well as bringing foods and other traditions from around the world. International day teaches students social and economic values of countries as well as bringing awareness to students and families while encouraging positive contributions to the global community.
Afternoon of the Arts / 100 Days of School
Afternoon of the Arts/100 Days of School is a school-wide event that usually takes place on the first Thursday in February. All students from Pre-K to Grade 12 participate in this event. Artwork is showcased throughout the campus on bulletin boards in the first-floor hallways, as well as the windows leading up to the cafeteria.
Also celebrated on the same day is “100 Days of School”. This marks a milestone for the students has they celebrate being in school one hundred days by either representing the number 100 or doing something that involves 100 things.
Afternoon of the Arts/100 Days of School creates an opportunity for student collaboration and individual talent by allowing students to showcase their artwork as well as technology-related projects. These talents along with multiple artistic materials make ABS a place for students to enhance and grow as parents enjoy viewing our students’ new creations
Arabic / Islamic Events
Here at ABS, we are very proud of our Arabic department. Students are always encouraged and eager to take part in the yearly competitions which are organized and conducted by the Ministry of Education. The Arabic and Islamic teachers train and encourage students well to be ready for the competition day. These kind of competitions builds the student character, and our students gain a firm knowledge in Arabic, Islam and the Quran.
Poetry Competition – Helps students to develop their language skills and teaches them about their history and culture. It gives them a good foundation to build their self-confidence.
Quran Competition – Helps students build their language and speaking skills while immersing them in the religious principles of Islam. The competition trains their memory and gives them the confidence that is earned through achieving the goal of reciting the Quran.
Arabic Drama
Our Elementary Department puts on an Arabic Drama yearly. Each of the grade four (4) classes must perform an Arabic play or drama. These dramas are put on to remind students of their history and help them build character by giving them a chance to use their talents and abilities. The drama(s) must have a message and remind the students of how far Kuwait has come.
Ministry Competitions
Quran & Poetry Competition
These yearly competitions which are sponsored by the Ministry of Education, allow the students to compete against other American and English schools in Kuwait. ABS students usually exceed expectations and receive many awards and recognition.
Poetry Competition – helps students to build skill while enriching their language skills and teaching them about their history and culture. It gives them a good foundation to build their self-confidence.
Quran Competition – helps students build their language and speaking skills while immersing them in the religious principles and utilizing their memory and by giving them the confidence to accomplishing a goal of reciting the Quran.
National and Liberation Day Celebration
American Baccalaureate School takes pride in the rich heritage of Kuwait. With National/Liberation Day, ABS celebrates the culture, folk songs, community and family that makes up Kuwait.
The committee is made up of staff, teachers, parents, and community volunteers who take the time to come in and decorate the school with flags, balloons, and different items that represent Kuwait.
- Students from KG to Elementary perform dances that are representative of Kuwait and its culture while dressed in traditional attire.
- There is Kuwaiti food, traditional dress (“artifacts”), folk bands, games and other treats.
- Community involvement includes pony rides, local food and music.
The ABS National/Liberation Day annual celebration is one of the biggest events on campus and attracts parents, students, and visitors.
ABS Charity Carnival
The ABS Spring Carnival is an opportunity for American Baccalaureate School to open its doors to the community of Kuwait and to raise funds for a worthy cause. For the last fifteen years ABS has been able to provide entertainment as well as showcase local businesses and talent within its community.
The entire ABS community works hard to achieve the goals that have been set out before them. Each teacher, staff and student volunteer become incredibly involved and creative.
To ensure this, we use the six pillars of Character Education as the main drive of action to build and maintain a quality experience for all those involved. These six pillars are Respect, Responsibility, Trustworthiness, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship. Through demonstrating these principles, ABS has maintained the highest standard of honesty and reliability.
Talent Show
The annual ABS Talent Show is an event where participants perform varying talents including singing, playing an instrument, dancing, acrobatics, martial arts, acting, and comedy, showcasing their skills in hopes of winning 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place.
The Talent Show is a friendly competition between students allowing expression beyond traditional academia. In order to participate students audition before a small judging panel. Students then rehearse with the support of teachers/judges for the weeks leading up to the big event.
We encourage ALL of ABS to join from students to staff as this is a great way to showcase the talent that is hidden here at ABS.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
American Baccalaureate School holds parent/teacher conferences twice a year, in November and February. These conferences are designed to discuss a student’s progress at school and find solutions to academic or behavioral problems. Parent/teacher conferences supplement the information conveyed by report cards by focusing on students' specific strengths and weaknesses in individual subjects and generalizing the level of inter-curricular skills and competences.
ABS Book Fair
Three for Me - Parent Volunteer
The parent volunteering program Three For Me has its concept built in the partnership between parents and school community relying on the volunteering co-operation and participation in specific selected activities, which will result in the commitment and loyalty to the school’s community spirit.
The Three For Me program’s philosophy is also a source of student’s appreciation and development of strong ties between parents, school and child.
The volunteering program Three For Me is founded on the participation of child, school and home, resulting in the partnership and development of loyalties and school’s participation spirit, as a model of a volunteering community work.
The volunteering parents will conduct several activities in the school community by signing up in all activities which will reflect positively on the student, observing their parents presence and participation.
Parents will choose the activity they would like to participate in by checking it on the program’s list and forward it to the head of the parent volunteer committee.
Volunteers are required to familiarize themselves with the school’s guidelines by reading the program’s rules to ensure a safe environment. Volunteers are kindly requested to sign the form confirming their understanding of the safety components environment. It is the school’s policy to adhere to all professional standards of conduct regarding all program’s activities.
It is our goal to achieve 3,000 hours of volunteer time logged in a school year! Thanks to parents’ efforts and their participation in the school’s community.
Award Ceremonies
The Award ceremony at ABS is a celebration of the hard work and dedication to academic achievement attained by the students. The Award ceremony is designed with three main benefits in mind; awarding and recognizing student achievement, providing an opportunity for parents to enjoy their children’s success and to provide a motivating example to all students to put their best effort into their studies.
The American Baccalaureate School Awards Ceremony celebrates the academic achievement of our students every year. Students are awarded into three main categories, high honor, honor, and academic achievement. They are also recognized for exceptional achievement throughout the school year such as high scorers in MAP testing, PSAT, and WPP. This event is a highlight and the accumulation of the hard work of students, parents and teachers and celebrates the students and their academic success for the year.
Department Events
Spirit Days
Field Trips
Each quarter, KG students embark on a journey outside of the school to enjoy a day of learning and fun through our educational field trips. In the morning, they travel by bus to the venue and enjoy a nice time together learning, exploring and playing. When they arrive back at ABS, they have a catered lunch in their classroom with all of their friends. Past field trips have included visits to the Kuwait Zoo, The Scientific Center, Sky Zone, Kidzania and the Cinema.
Sports Day
Each year, the KG Department celebrates Sports Day! There is an exciting pep rally during the morning assembly. Each class wears a special color to promote their team spirit. The PE Teacher leads all KG students in fun warm-up exercises to get everyone ready and excited. After the assembly, all teams make their way to the Big Gym for a fun-filled Sports Day! It is a fantastic way to practice exercise and good health with the students!
Mother's Day
To honor our beautiful ABS KG Mommies, we hold a very special assembly every year in March. The assembly includes beautiful songs from each grade level, poems, competitions, and skits. Following the assembly, all the mothers are invited into the classrooms where they receive a thoughtful gift and card from their child. As a perfect end to their special day, the mothers enjoy wonderful sweets, tea and coffee in our KG reception area.
Father's Day
Each year, the KG Department celebrates Father’s Appreciation Day. The fathers are honored with a very special assembly. Our KG students sing beautiful songs and have fun competitions or skits! After the assembly, KG fathers are invited into the classrooms to receive special gifts and cards. As a nice finale to their special day, all fathers enjoy refreshments such as Arabic coffee, dates and fatayer. It is truly a delight to host and honor our Kindergarten dads.
Spring Concert
KG2 Graduation
KG2 Graduation ceremonies take place at the end of each school year. It is a pleasure to see all of the KG2 graduates celebrate together with their parents and teachers. The students prepare nice performances to perform on stage before receiving their diplomas. They do a wonderful job on stage singing and dancing in celebration for their big jump to Grade 1!
- Dental Screening
- Field Trips
- Geography Bee
- Grade 5 Promotion
- Math Bee
- Mother's Day
- Planting Activity
- Science Fair
- Spelling Bee
Dental Screening
In the Elementary Department students have yearly general "Dental Screenings." Students with dental issues were referred to a Clinic in their area. Students received special gifts from the Mobile Dental Clinic. Regular dental screening helps protect your child's health and general well-being. A dental exam gives your dentist a chance to provide tips on caring for your teeth and to detect any problems early — when they're most treatable.
Field Trips
Field Trips play a vital role in ABS’s Elementary curriculum. On field trips, students get hands on experience while exploring new things and new places. Fieldtrips create a space for students to practice what they’re learning. While fostering a sense of teamwork and enhancing school community, field trips provide a chance for students to build on classroom instruction, gain understanding, and to grow in cultural understanding of the global community.
Geography Bee
The Geography Bee is an annual contest held during quarter three of the school year. The contest is open to fourth and fifth graders. Students are encouraged to participate in this event by their Social Studies teacher. Two students from each homeroom class are selected to participate by their Social Studies teacher. Students are selected at the end of January and are given a study guide of sample Geography Bee questions. Students are expected to prepare on their own time for this event.
Grade 5 Promotion
The 5th Grade Promotion celebrates the hard work and dedication the grade 5 students have put forth throughout their time in Elementary. It is a time to reflect and celebrate the departure from Elementary as the students move towards Middle School. The promotion is designed to award and recognize student achievement, provide an opportunity for parents to enjoy their children’s success and to provide a motivating example to all students to put their best effort into their studies.
Math Bee
Math Bee is an annual competition for elementary students Grade 2-5. Students are able to display their math skills and knowledge of concepts. Students solve varying math problems within an allotted time. Each round of questions increases with difficulty. The top 3 students per grade level are awarded with medals.
Mother's Day
Planting Activity
Science Fair
Each year at ABS, Grade 4 and 5 students have the opportunity to demonstrate their inquiry and problem solving skills in the Science Fair. Science Fair projects are shared within homeroom classrooms, within some morning assemblies, and displayed to other grade levels. Students utilize the Scientific Method as they explore topics and practice their critical thinking skills.
Spelling Bee
The Spelling Bee is an annual event taking place in December. Students in Grades 1-5 compete in their homeroom classes to participate in the grade-wide Spelling Bees. The top students from each homeroom class then compete against each other. Contestants are asked to spell a broad selection of words. All participants are celebrated but the top 3 spellers from each grade level are awarded with medals.
Middle & High School
- Field Trips
- Grade 8 Graduation
- Green Ambassador
- Mentoring Program
- NHS - National Honor Society
- Student Council
- Spirit Days
Field Trips
Educational visits and field trips are beneficial to students because they allow students to see how what they are learning is applied in the real world and to have new cultural experiences.
In addition to the international field trips offered and the visits undertaken as part of extra-curricular activities such as NHS, MUN and Green Ambassadors, all students take part in field trips twice a year as part of the ABS Curriculum.
Past field trips have included visits to
- Flint Athletic Centre
- Kuwait University
- American International University
- Maker Faire Kuwait
- Escape Hunt
- Kuwait Autism Center
- Beatouna Recycling
- International Exhibition of Inventions
- Al-Rai Media Center
- Siemens
- Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development
Grade 8 Graduation
The Eighth Grade Graduation Ceremony is to celebrate hard work of middle school students and to congratulate them for their promotion to high school. Grade 8 students attend this ceremony with their parents. This is the day when middle school department congratulates grade eight students and wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors.
Green Ambassador
A Green Ambassador is a volunteer that commits to motivating others to become more environmentally friendly. This is done through their examples of his or her day-to-day life actions and how they improve the environment. As Green ambassadors, the students of ABS devote themselves to increase the awareness of the environmental issues of the world and of Kuwait. This program tends to be a flexible role for students. There is no set schedule or required number of volunteer hours that student must complete. The different initiatives are presented to the students, they can either adhere to those or present their own projects to develop. Our focus is to guide students on their initiatives while allowing them to work independently to improve the environment. Students in the past have participated in beach clean-ups, environmental seminars, informative discussions with peers, and environmental foot-prints activities on campus.
Mentoring Program
The ABS Mentorship Program is a newly developed program created by the MSHS administration team at ABS. The goal of the program is to further strengthen the school's culture of student development.
Students that participate in the program meet with a designated Counselor or Dean on a bi-weekly basis to provide guidance, support, and to address questions or concerns. Students are introduced to thought-provoking topics centered around goal setting, reflection techniques, and methods of practice on how to work more efficiently. The program goal for each student is centered around facilitating academic gains or improvements in school connectedness, attendance, and personal growth. The student-centered focus allows for student expression and for an organic mentoring process to develop.
NHS - National Honor Society
ABS has an active National Honor Society Chapter than contains about 50 member each year.
The purpose of ABS Honor Society is to create a program which aligns with the National Honor Society in the United States. This society is designed to recognize students who go above and beyond our expectations in regards to -
- academics
- service ability
- leadership skills
- influential character
This program is a recognition program. The program acknowledges students who have met the criteria as a way to let them know that their efforts have not gone unnoticed. It is an absolute honor to be considered for this program because very few are eligible. As we recognize these students, we will also ask them to share their ability with others.
As well as supporting school events the students of the NHS chapter at ABS have also developed strong links with a variety of local and international organisations including; The Kuwait Red Crescent Society, The Kuwait Autism Center and Direct Aid.
At the end of each academic year we hold an Induction Ceremony to celebrate the achievements of students who have met the NHS criteria throughout the year.
Student Council
ABS MSHS Student Council is dedicated to working together with staff and faculty to address student-body issues, host social and charity events, and strengthen leadership skills within our students. Despite the undeniable effects that COVID-19 has had, we have managed to find creative ways to hold our annual Student Council led Anti-Bullying Campaign and a very successful Drive-Thru Charity Drive to collect food items for families in need. We look forward to continuing to work with students when it is safe for them to return to campus!
Spirit Days
Spirit Days are days that students and teachers can express their creativity and enthusiasm by dressing up for the special day. The MSHS Department take this day to raise awareness to issues that may be happening around the world. This is usually done through expression of wearing the color pink – Women’s Cancer Awareness – to a canned food drive to support a local charity. Some of the other themes include, Favorite Sports Team, Favorite Disney Character Day, young Authors Week, Pajama Day, Earth Day, and many more!